Wednesday 29 January 2014

CTV Weather School Visiting Our Classroom

Amazing day today with CTV Weather School visiting our classroom! Thank you to Astrid Braunschmidt and her team for teaching us about the weather and making us look good on TV!! All of the kids were very engaged and some of us got to try out the green screen and tell weather stories. If you missed the broadcast this evening, here is a link to it...

... and here are some more pictures from this great day of learning:


  1. I love that CTV goes around to schools! Great job Ruth King and Ms. V!

  2. Yes! That was fun to watch, also great blog, just added it to my Google circles, to keep me up to date! :-D

  3. Ok unknown is me, I didn't sign in correctly oops!

  4. Thanks so much!! We had a lot of fun last week and the kids did a great job representing Ruth King! Proud of them!!! :)

  5. It was so exciting to see the kids on the news! Ana was thrilled, as I'm sure the rest of the kids were. Well done Ms. van der Leeden!
